Friday, December 14, 2007

What is it Important to Hire an SEO Agency

It is unfortunate that most people do not put as much importance on SEO as they do on web design. Also, with all the hype about SEO that is floating around on the Internet, no seems to even know what to pay for SEO services.

Just like anything else, shop around until you find an agency that is reputable. Don’t be afraid to check with the Better Business Bureau. Ask a company what sites they have optimized and then contact those people and ask about their results.

The scope of a successful SEO campaign is not understood by most people. When discussing plans for a website with an agency, countless hours go into planning and preparing the site. There is usually a team involved in the process: designers, developers, marketers, just to name a few. Then, after this exhausting process, people seem to run out of steam when it comes to the SEO of their site and this can be a huge mistake for many sites. The SEO campaign simply doesn’t receive the due diligence the design process receives.

There are many things to consider, such as, does the site have JavaScript navigation? Is the content in frames or tables? Does the site lack relevant content? Will the SEO team have to write many pages of copy? Will they have to build out pages? Are there sites linking to yours? Is your internal link structure well designed?

Your SEO professional will look at your competitors, not only the ones you compete with every day in busniess, but your keyword competitors, too.

Your SEO Professional will want to know what your company’s goals are and what market you are attempting to target… for example, the key words “real estate” is a very different animal from “Richmond Virginia real estate.” For highly competitive keywords, the SEO timeline can be daunting and it will take much more time to achieve what your company is hoping to achieve. Because of this you can expect to pay more money for a successful campaign. The more competitive the key words, the more copy has to be written, the more pages added to your site and more link generation.